Grace Community Church is committed to building spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. We are a disciple-making church with God-centered worship and biblical teaching, mutual encouragement toward spiritual growth, and engagement with the world through evangelism, missions, and service.

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
The Need for One Another - Words of Grace Podcast - June 6, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
This week, Justin and Scott consider how a healthy congregation helps during times of suffering.
The Words of Grace Podcast seeks to clarify, amplify, and apply the Sunday morning sermon at Grace Community Church. From time to time we will address other topics. We hope these podcasts help impress the Word of God into your everyday life. Episodes are hosted by Justin Tucker and Scott Patty.

Sunday Jun 04, 2023
The Church in The Last Days - 1 Peter 4:7-11 - June 4, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
The congregation that is faithful to Christ and helpful to suffering sojourners prays effectively, loves earnestly, shows hospitality, and stewards the gifts of God by serving one another. As the church is obedient in these things, the Lord glorifies his name in the world. Each of us is called to contribute to this kind of congregation in these last days.
Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.

Sunday May 28, 2023
Arm Yourselves for Suffering - 1 Peter 4:1-6,12-19 - May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Sunday May 28, 2023
Some level of suffering is inevitable for the follower of Christ. This passage exhorts Christians to arm themselves with the attitude of Christ for the purpose of suffering. These mindset munitions include living for the will of God, rejoicing in our partnership with Christ, and entrusting our souls to our Creator. Let’s prayerfully think on these things until they become the attitudes of our hearts
Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.

Tuesday May 23, 2023
Making the Most of Your Summer - Words of Grace Podcast - May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Justin and Scott discuss how to intentionally draw near to God and invest in others this summer.
The Words of Grace Podcast seeks to clarify, amplify, and apply the Sunday morning sermon at Grace Community Church. From time to time we will address other topics. We hope these podcasts help impress the Word of God into your everyday life. Episodes are hosted by Justin Tucker and Scott Patty.

Sunday May 21, 2023
The Power of Christ in Our Suffering - 1 Peter 3:18-22 - May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
Sunday May 21, 2023
Speaker: Josh Hussung
Jesus suffered in our place so that we would be made right with God, and is now exalted and above all things. Christians find strength in this Good News, knowing that He has rescued us from sin and death, and will come again to rescue us forever. While we wait for his return, Jesus is actively involved in our obedience through the Holy Spirit, helping us provide a witness to those around us.
Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.

Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
Christian sojourners are citizens of Christ’s kingdom who live in the world. This will bring some level of suffering to the ones who remain faithful to Christ. When we suffer for righteousness' sake, there is a way to respond that brings honor to Christ, keeps us out of the cycle of evil, and is used by God to bring people to repentance and faith in him. Christ himself suffered in this way. We follow in his steps.
Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.

Tuesday May 09, 2023
A Helpful Congregation - Words of Grace Podcast - May 9, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
The Words of Grace Podcast seeks to clarify, amplify, and apply the Sunday morning sermon at Grace Community Church. From time to time we will address other topics. We hope these podcasts help impress the Word of God into your everyday life. Episodes are hosted by Justin Tucker and Scott Patty.

Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
From the government to the workplace to marriage, Peter now turns to the congregation to exhort Christians to express honorable qualities among themselves. When Christians live together in this way, they glorify Christ, sustain one another through the sufferings of the sojourning life, and show unbelievers the honorable conduct that God’s grace produces in them. Let us pray that these qualities increase among us, and pursue them in obedience to Christ.
Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.

Tuesday May 02, 2023
Reliable Source - Words of Grace Podcast - May 2, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
Tuesday May 02, 2023
As Christians, we have an external and reliable source for the foundation of all things.
The Words of Grace Podcast seeks to clarify, amplify, and apply the Sunday morning sermon at Grace Community Church. From time to time we will address other topics. We hope these podcasts help impress the Word of God into your everyday life. Episodes are hosted by Justin Tucker and Scott Patty.

Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Honorable Conduct in Marriage - 1 Peter 3:1-7 - April 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Marriage matters, and God calls husbands and wives to live honorably in their marriages. If we believe this, we will look and listen to what God has revealed in the Bible about marriage, receive what he said a marriage is, and conform our lives as husbands and wives to his will. In a culture of marital chaos and pain, Peter’s instructions come to us as order and sanity, healing and wholeness, and goodness and love.
Grace Community Church exists to build spiritually healthy people for ministry in the world. One of the ways that we pursue this mission is by gathering each Sunday for corporate worship, prayer, and biblical teaching. The corporate nature of this gathering is both edifying to the believer and a witness of God’s grace to the world. Sermon speaker is Scott Patty unless otherwise noted.